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Polska Sekcja
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Wiążącą wersją statutu Polskiej Sekcji INFORMS jest zamieszczona poniżej wersja angielska:
THE POLISH CHAPTER OF THE INSTITUTE FOR OPERATIONS RESEARCH AND THE MANAGEMENT SCIENCES (INFORMS) ARTICLE I NAME The name of the organization shall be THE POLISH CHAPTER OF THE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES. These are henceforth referred to as “The Subdivision” and “The Institute”, respectively. ARTICLE II STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of the subdivision shall be to further the objectives of The Institute, which are “ .... to identify, extend, and unify scientific knowledge that contributes to the understanding and practice of management; .... to cooperate with other organizations in the advancement of the practice management: to stimulate research and promote high professional standards in the development of a unified management science; in general, to promote the growth of management science and its practice.” This purpose is to be accomplished through the exchange of information between members and interested non-members in and through the development and encouragement of new techniques and methods of scientific management. ARTICLE III OFFICERS Section 1. OFFICERS The officers shall be a Chairperson, five Vice-Chairpersons, and a Secretary-Treasurer. (A subdivision may wish to operate with fewer than five vice-chairpersons and redistribute the duties accordingly.) Section 2. CHAIRPERSON The Chairperson shall be the chief executive officer of the Subdivision and shall have general supervision, direction, and control of the business and affairs of The Subdivision. He/She shall preside at all meetings of The Subdivision. He/She shall appoint the Chairperson of and be an ex officio member of all standing committees and shall have the general powers and duties s may be prescribed by the Executive Committee/Council or the Bylaws. Section 3. EXECUTIVE VICE-CHAIRPERSON The Executive Vice-Chairperson shall, in the absence or disability of the Chairperson, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chairperson and shall perform such other duties as the Executive Committee/Council or the Bylaws shall prescribe. He/She shall also be responsible for recommending and, upon approval of the Executive Committee/Council, arranging for topics and speakers. Section 4. ARRANGEMENTS AND PUBLICITY VICE-CHAIRPERSON The Arrangements and Publicity Vice-Chairperson shall be responsible for all meeting arrangements, and for information AS directed by the Executive Committee/Council. Section 5. MEMBERSHIP VICE-CHAIRPERSON The Membership Vice-Chairperson shall conduct a continuing membership drive, as deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee/Council. Section 6. COMMUNITY RELATIONS VICE-CHAIRPERSON The Community Relations Vice-Chairperson shall conduct a continuing promotional program within surrounding industry to make them aware and to motivate the usage of Scientific Management Techniques. Section 7. EDUCATIONAL VICE-CHAIRPERSON The Educational Vice-Chairperson shall coordinate the activities of The Subdivision with local educational institutions and encourage the development of educational courses, seminars, etc., concerned with Scientific Management Techniques. Section 8. SECRETARY/TREASURER As Secretary he/she shall keep, or cause to be kept, a book of actions of all meetings of the Executive Committee/Council and The Subdivision. He/She shall conduct necessary correspondence with members of The Subdivision, The Institute, and others. As Treasurer he/she shall receive all the funds of The Subdivision and be responsible for them. He/She shall record the dues status of each member and present reports of the financial condition of The Subdivision, when required by the Executive Committee/Council. He/She shall disburse the funds of The Subdivision when so authorized by the Executive Committee/Council. Section 9. TENURE Officers of The Subdivision shall be elected by ballot mailed by October of each year to serve for one year or until their successors are elected. Their terms of office shall begin on the first day of February of the year next to the election year. Officers may be renominated for re-election. ARTICLE IV EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE/COUNCIL Section 1. PURPOSE The executive Committee/Council shall be responsible for the management of the affairs of The Subdivision, and shall call and organize meetings, and perform such other function as may be prescribed in the Bylaws. They are responsible for suggesting changes to the Bylaws to the membership. Section 2. CONSTITUTION The Executive Committee/Council shall consist of the Chairperson, the previous year’s Chairperson, the five Vice-Chairperson’s, and the Secretary/Treasurer. ARTICLE V ELECTION OF OFFICERS Section 1. NOMINATIONS By June 30 the Executive Committee/Council shall appoint three members of the Chapter to serve as members of a Nominating Committee, which will select one or more candidates for each office. The list of candidates shall be mailed to the Chapter by July 31. A group of five members of the Chapter may nominate a candidate for office by petition submitted to the Chairperson by September 1. Section 2. VOTING Ballots shall be mailed to the Chapter by the Secretary/Treasurer by October 1. Ballots shall be counted by December 1. The Chairperson shall arrange to have the ballots counted by chapter members who are not candidates for office. A plurality of qualified ballots cast for each office shall be necessary for election. Ties shall be broken by a run-off election to be completed by January 1 if a tie still remains after the run-off election is held, the tie shall be resolved by means of a fair random process. Section 3. VACANCIES Vacancies in any office shall be filled by appointment made by the Chairperson and confirmed by the Executive Committee/Council. ARTICLE VI MEMBERSHIP Any member of The Institute, in good standing, may become a member of The Subdivision by so indicating to the Membership Vice-Chairperson or the Secretary and paying the dues of The Subdivision. All members of The Subdivision have equal rights, privileges, and duties. ARTICLE VII DUES The dues of The Subdivision shall be as established by the Executive Committee/Council and shall be payable annually in January of each calendar year. ARTICLE VIII MEETINGS Section 1. NOTICE Meetings of The Subdivision, for any purpose, shall be called at any time by the Executive Committee/Council. Written notice of the time a nd place of such meetings shall be mailed to each member of record of The Subdivision by the Secretary/Treasurer. Section 2. FREQUENCY A minimum of - 3 - meetings of The Subdivision shall be held in each calendar year, including a Business Meeting. Section 3. RULES OF ORDER Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern Business Meetings, in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws. ARTICLE IX RESPONSIBILITY TO THE INSTITUTE The Subdivision and its officers are accountable to The Institute for all of their actions. The Subdivision may be dissolved at any time, subject to the discretion of the Council of The Institute. In case of Dissolution, remaining funds and other property to which The Subdivision may obtain legal possession shall be forwarded to The Institute. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS TO THE BYLAWS Section 1. PROCEDURE Proposals for adoption of new Bylaws, or repeal or amendment of these Bylaws, shall be presented to the membership of The Subdivision at a Business Meeting. On approval by a majority of the members of The Subdivision present, the Secretary shall prepare and mail a copy of the proposed amendments to be submitted to the membership of record of The Subdivision within 30 days of the next meeting. A Majority of the qualified votes shall be necessary for adoption of the changes to the Bylaws, and shall become effective upon ratification by the Council of INFORMS. Section 2. RECORD OF CHANGES Whenever an amendment or new Bylaws is adopted, or a Bylaws repealed, it shall be copied in the Bylaws by the Secretary. The date of the enactment of said changes shall also be recorded. |
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