PL Polski
Poland Chapter
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INFORMS Poland Chapter was created in March 1996.

INFORMS is a merger of two distinguished societies: The Institute for Management Science and Operational Research Society of America, which after serving for years promoting and advocating scientific, mathematical methods in management and operational research decided to join forces. INFORMS has couple of thousands of members, publishes well established journals Management Science and Operations Research, organizes conferences, and provides a framework for formal and informal cooperation between scientists and practitioners.

Members of the Chapter

  • Employees of scientific institutions (universities, research institutes) recognized in the country and abroad for their achievements in developing and promoting methods of management science and operational research.
  • Management science and operational research practitioners, officials, businessmen, which use or intend to use scientific, mathematical methods of management and operational research.

Potential members of the Chapter are also graduating students of universities of all types, which in their professional careers would like (and often would have) to make use of formal and computer based tools for modeling and analysis of phenomena and undertakings (technology, planning, management, social problems, politics, economy, ecology, science - those are classical fields for applications of scientific, mathematical methods of management and operational research).

Goals of the Chapter

  • To provide a forum for exchanging experiences in applications of management science and operational methods.
  • To provide a forum for meeting and interrelating of researchers and practitioners of the field.

The basic form of activity of the Chapter are working meetings organized up to 2 - 3 times a year. During each meeting there is a formal presentation on experiences of the Chapter members of invited guests in solving practical problems by mathematical methods of management science and operational research.

Topics of presentations held by now

  • Cost optimalization of public debt.
  • Optimalization of logistic s decisions in firms of the chemical sector
  • Framing and measuring relations in domestic politics.
  • Problems of urban strategy planning as illustrated by Cracow metropoly.
  • Real estate apprisal in urban aglomerations of medium size
  • Intelligent buildings as an element of modern urban aglomerations.
  • Risk management in a bank.
  • Introducing an electrical energy market in Poland.
  • Scientific centers of excellence - history and current trends.
  • Problems related to risk management.
  • Multicriteria decision support - a mobile decision support system for a diagnosis of pediatric acute condition.
  • Decision support in pediatric diagnosis with palmtop microcomputers.
  • Quantitative methods of financial analysis in present day practice of an risk manager in banks.
  • Practical aspects of integration of information mamangement systems.
  • Intelligent buildings.
  • Forecasting of document processing in Business Intelligence Systems.
  • Risk mesurement and mamagement on the electricity market.
  • Energy efficient buildings - how to design optimally?
  • Optimalization in stores with high stacking.
  • Production resource optymalizaton in integrated processes of supply chain operation planning.
  • Single European Sky
  • "Single European Sky". The role of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency in SES.
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