Archival news from the years 2013-20155
- Special Session of the Poland Section of INFORMS hosted by the conference "Methods and applications of operations research - MZBO 2015"
On October, 19th during the conference "Methods and applications of operations research" conference (in Polish: XXXIV Ogólnopolska
Konferencja Naukowej im. Profesora Władysława Bukietyńskiego Metody i
Zastosowania Badań Operacyjnych'2015) in Łagów, Poland a special session of the Poland Section of INFORMS took place.
Dr. hab. Paweł Hanczar and dr. Piotr Peternek have presented their paper:
"Optymalizacja dyskretna w planowaniu ruchu wagonów próżnych"
- Special Session of the Poland Section of INFORMS hosted by the conference International Conference on Group Decision &
Negotiation - GDN2015
On June, 24th during the conference International Conference on Group Decision &
Negotiation - GDN2015 in SGH Warsaw School of Economics a special session of the Poland Section of INFORMS took place.
A presentation was delivered by:
Barbara Więckowska, PhD
Director, Department of Analyses and Strategy, Ministry of Health, Poland
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Insurance, Warsaw School of
Title: "Evidence based decision making process in reforming
oncological treatment in Poland"
- Special Session of the Poland Section of INFORMS hosted by the conference Modelling preferences and risk 2015 (in Polish: Modelowanie Preferencji
a Ryzyko ' 2015)
On March, 23rd during the conference Modelling preferences and risk 2015 (in Polish: Modelowanie Preferencji
a Ryzyko ' 2015) a special session of the Poland Section of INFORMS took place.
The following papers have been presented:
1. Tomasz Błaszczyk: Ryzyko projektów infrastrukturalnych na przykładzie
programu rozbudowy Katowice Airport
2. Stanisław Grygierczyk, Krzysztof Targiel: Analiza ryzyka inwestycji w
OZE dla małego inwestora
3. Włodzimierz Boroń, Andrzej Chomiak: Innowacyjny program komputerowy
Analizator OZE, jako narzędzie oceny wykorzystania odnawialnych źródeł
energii w budynkach.
- Results of election for chapter officers for the term 2015
Please be informed that by the last elections the following persons have been elected as Section Officers:
- Chairperson - Tadeusz Trzaskalik,
- Vice-chairperson - Ignacy Kaliszewski,
- Vice-chairperson - Bogumił Kamiński,
- Vice-chairperson - Maciej Krawczak,
- Treasurer\Secretary - Krzysztof Targiel.
We congratulate our Colleagues!
- List of candidates for Chapter officers for the term 2015
Please be informed that the Nomination Committee has produced the following list of candidates for Chapter officers for the term 2015:
- for Chairperson - Tadeusz Trzaskalik,
- for Vice-chairperson - Ignacy Kaliszewski,
- for Vice-chairperson - Bogumił Kamiński,
- for Vice-chairperson - Maciej Krawczak,
- for Treasurer\Secretary - Krzysztof Targiel.
We remind you that by September 1 the members of the Chapter can nominate their own candidates, as decreed by article V, section 1, of the Chapter Bylaws.
- Nominating Committee Announcement
We inform you that that following the rules of the Section Bylaws the following persons have been appointed to serve as the Nominating Committee:
- Maciej Nowak -
- Przemysław Szufel -
Article V, Section 1 of the Bylaws states that "A group of five members of the Chapter may nominate a candidate for office by petition submitted to the Chairperson by September 1."
Please use your right to nominate candidates to the Executive Office of the Section for the term 2015.
- prof. Tomasz Szapiro became a member of Group Decision and Negotiation Section Advisory Board
On October, 8th roku prof. Tomasz Szapiro became a member of INFORMS Group Decision and Negotiation Section Advisory Board.
- The programme of the Special Session of the Poland Section of INFORMS hosted by the conference ESSA 2013 is now available
The Session will take plane on September 16, 10:00 – 12:00 am.
Four presentations are scheduled:
- Agnieszka Gładysz (Office of Electronic Communications)
Current challenges of telecommunication policy modeling
- Marcin Juchnowicz (Office of Electronic Communications)
Preventing Non-price Discrimination by an Upstream Monopolist – Evidence from the Polish Telecommunications Market
- Wit Jakuczun (WLOG Solutions)
On monitoring KPI system for non-discrimiation control
- Mateusz Zawisza (Warsaw School of Economics)
Multi-criteria Evaluation of Broadband Internet Access in Poland
For participation in the INFORMS session ESSA conference registration is not required. Everyone is invited.
- The programme of the Special Session of the Poland Section of INFORMS hosted by the conference Preference Modelling and Risk is now available.
The Session will take plane on March 18, 4:00 – 6:00 pm.
Four presentations are scheduled:
- T.Błaszczyk (UE.Katowice), M. Horeyn (UE.Katowice), Z.Nosal (City Transport Authority Sp. z o.o. in Jaworzno)
Decision making in public city transport planning
- M. Ślosarek (Accurente sp. z o.o.)
Risk management in programmes and projects for retail and cilent servicing in energy sector
- Damian Pustelnik (SAS Institute)
Credit risk management with counterparty credibility assessment for market risk management in an energy group
- Franciszek Szweda (Association „Rythm of Silesia”)
Silesian Information Cluster – a forum for science and business cooperation
- In the series "Informatics in operational research" (in Polish, "Informatyka w badaniach operacyjnych") edited by Tadeusz Trzaskalik it has appeared a collection of selected contributions presented at sesions of the Polish Section of INFORMS.
The issue has the title "Optimisation in practice" (University of Ecomomics in Katowice Publishers, Katowice, 2012, ISBN978-83-7875-048-2).
- Ewa Gajoszek, Paweł Hanczar, Roger Książek: Planning support for supply chains in a pharmaceutical company.
- Stanisław Grygierczyk, Paweł Krause, Krzystof S. Targiel: Optimisation of energy saver buildings.
- Dominik Kudyba, Krzysztof Zamasz, Piotr Zawistowski: Risk in electric energy market.
- Robert Pisek, Aleksandra Sabo: Optimisation of goods location in a high stacking store.
- Łukasz Tync: On project context in object approach.
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- Special session of INFORMS Polish Chapter at Modelowanie Preferencji a Ryzyko '13
The conference Modelowanie Preferencji a Ryzyko '13, will host a special session of the INFORMS Polish Chapter.
The conference date: March 17 - 19, 2013.
The programme of the session will be announced later.
The conference will be accompanied by International Workshop on Multiple Criteria Decision Making.
- INFORMS Poland Chapter Officers for 2013
The Nomination Committee informs that in the elections the following persons have been elected to serve as Chapter officers for the term 2013:
- Ignacy Kaliszewski (The Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw) - the Chairperson,
- Bogumil Kaminski (The Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw) - the Vice-chairperson,
- Maciej Krawczak (The Warsaw School of Information Technology, Warsaw) - the Vice-chairperson,
- Tadeusz Trzaskalik (The Economic University of Katowice, Katowice) - the Vice-chairperson,
- Krzysztof Targiel (The Economic University of Katowice, Katowice) - the Secretary/Treasurer.